One of the things I miss most when I was a kid was my big wheel. Here is a picture of me with my Transformers big wheel, it was the best. My favorite thing to do was go backwards really fast and turn and spin it forwards and keep going, like in the movies, only with a big wheel instead of a car. Do they still make big wheels? And they have to be plastic wheels because you can't power slide with rubber ones. I remember that I couldn't go past a certain crack in my driveway because my parents didn't want me 'big wheeln' it' in the street. But there was this one time I remember spacifically that my parents were gone and my grandparents were watching me. I tested their knowledge of this line, I crossed it, then I got spanked pretty bad. Turns out they knew all about the line. But I also remember that one time I swallowed and choked on a penny, my grandpa got it right out. So I guess we were even.
What are some things you miss from your childhood?
I miss ignorance ... and never getting tired when I rode my bike.
The wiffle ball games in the front yard. I also remember having a big wheel. I rode it down the street with my black gloves so I could be like the Night Rider. I never could find a way to get it to talk to me like Kit. Oh well.
I miss my grandparents, aunts, and uncles.
I miss the energy I had. It was nonstop. We played outside till it was dark and my mom would make us come in. I remember leg aches from all the running. Biking, roller skating in those metal roller skates, running in the sand on the beach, climbing any hill we could find. Fabulous times. I loved the sidewalk chalk roadways we would make, and gas station pit stops for oiling up the skates. We thought it make us go faster. Maybe it did. Hey Dave, is that the old Nissan Maxima in the picture?
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