I don't know much about the movie "The Golden Compass", or about the book The Northern Lights, or anything about the original author (Philip Pullman) who professes to be agnostic; but I do know that I will see the movie, just because of this article I read. It's not a long read but really interesting. I might even read the books if the I like the movie (I like to work backwards). Suposedly, the books (a trilogy) have a lot of anti-church or anti-catholic, stating that "the bad guys in the novel (called the magisterium) are a version of the catholic church gone astray." Like thats never happened before. This is the same group that went after the Da Vinci Code. Well I am one Christian who doesn't want anything to do with this catholic group of 350,000. I feel bad for this group because they up in arms over a movie and a novel rather than up in arms about things that really projects Christs love for humanity, like starving children who haven't eaten in days, or the children who get sold as sex slaves. Instead of worrying about the children who may watch this movie and question the validity of the catholic church, they should be aiming their effort towards children who have never seen a movie in their life because they don't even have electricity, or who don't even know who Christ is. Am I the only one who doesn't want to be labeled under this umbrella? I don't want to be this placebo singing "Christian" label, I just want to follow Christ.
I agree Dave. It reminds me of the scripture in Matthew 23:24 about blind guides who strain out a gnat but swallow a camel. If you look hard enough you will find evil in just about everything. I didn't see Jesus doing that. I see Him doing good everywhere He went, and even taking the time to point out to his diciples to stop being negative and look for the possitive. The lessons are all there aren't they. Love to see you blogging again Daddy Dave. Jami looks so darling. Loved having you guys for Thanksgiving.
Bad movies utilize the publicity given by protesters, which causes the real issue to be lost in the noise - life is too short to watch poorly made movies, esp. at the prices the THEE-ate-ers charge.
I Totally agree with you as well
I read that sco, :) I changed my mind on watching it. But it is the whole 'people shouldn't watch this becasue it's anti-catholic church' that got me irritated. My point was supposed to be 'I want to watch a movie based on good entertainment, not based on how the author portrays the catholic church', ya smell what I'm cookin'? This movie isn't really my point, it's the "Christian Group" that stands for pointing out where, and then boycotting, everyone who is screwing up that makes me sad.
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