Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Christian Kooks

People under the guise of religion have been showing up at soldiers funerals saying that God hates dead soldiers, and God hates you. This is a pretty interesting video. Don't watch if you anger easily, well what the heck, watch it anyway. I get a bad vibe from her just by looking at her eyes and that nasty smirk. Any comments on this subject? Is God judging America by killing their kids? Does God hate America?


JayBird said...

i wonder if jerry cook has seen this video.

georgia said...

She's a sick woman who has no trouble judging other people but can't judge her own hatred and ungodly attitudes as worthy of judgment as well. If she wants to protest against the nation, she should be protesting at the governmental offices instead of harrassing individual soldiers. I wonder if she would believe that she was the recipient of God's judgment if people in her family suffered calamity, or if she would extend compassion toward herself. This group is really deceived!
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. James 3:17

Warrior Poet said...

That video made me incredibly sad. Her comments to me sound like the KKK credo, or a member of the Nazi party. But her God, is most certainly not mine.

digapigmy said...

God doesn't hate america. but i heard He's not a big fan of you, Dave

Señor H said...

Ouch, it's because I drink cancerous Carson water isn't it?

moses said...

God loves david.
that chick is a sack of rocks but he loves her too

digapigmy said...

it's not the water. God just thought you were a faggot imperialist american soldier. you know how much He hates them . . .