Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Trip to D.C.

Our visit to our nations capital was awesome. Everything is so surreal when you see everything that you've seen on movies and t.v. I couldn't help standing in this spot (see picture below) and thinking about a few things. The second thing that went through my head is more interesting than the first. I was thinking how everybody would look out across the Reflection Pond and think of (reflect on) some movement or speech that was held in this exact spot. What was the first thing that I thought of, Forrest Gump of course.
Although the sites were spectacular to see, the highlight for me was the Foursquare convention. I don't have any pictures of that though because it meant more spiritually than visually. There wasn't a speaker there that I didn't like. My favorite by far was Ken Ulmer from Los Angeles. You could feel the presence of God flowing through him and flooding the room. And it was a great message. The Newsboys also lead worship on Wednesday night, it was very good, those guys are really using their gifts for God.
And what'll ya know we did see some familiar faces while in D.C. We got to go out to dinner with cousins Brian and Angie which was a great night. Jami said I was gabbing like a school girl the whole night. I have to admit, I did have a list of things to talk to Brian and Angie about. We went to a restaurant called Buca DeBeppo, really good Italian food family style. We have a picture of out dinner, but it will not come up for the life of me. All well.

We also met and got to hang out with a few new Foursquare people that we had never met. We made a lot of new friends and it was cool. We also got to see John and Sherry, I couldn't believe John P. remembered my name, nobody remembers my name after meeting me once. All in all, Jami and I were very blessed to be a part of this. God is doing great things... let's praise Him! (that was for you Ben)


Warrior Poet said...

It was SO wonderful to see you, and we're both glad that we've had a chance to see a few family members this summer! I'll post the pic we got from dinner as soon as I charge the batteries for my camera...

Moma Bird said...

I am so glad that you got to visit with Brian and Angie. I am living vicariously!

No(dot dot)el said...

really loved the pics dave. you two are such a beautiful family. risk sometime soon??

moses said...

now that made me feel like i missed something.