They said this because while protesting they were protested and surrounded by Veterans, Bikers, and people who don't like the family...er...group. I don't know why, but this group really strikes a nerve with me. Maybe it's because they think they are spreading the "gospel" as Jesus would, maybe it's because others truly think the group is spreading the "gospel" of Christianity. And that is where I get aggravated. If just one person gets turned off of Jesus because of this group, which is easily feasible, I think the enemy has done what it set out to do with this group. I watched a BBC documentary on this called "Americas most hated family", it was pretty good, but I wish they sent someone who did know at least something about the bible. The documentary dude spent a good chunk of time with them (like a week or something). And his main focus was the children in this family that are absolutely brainwashed.
I read things about this group coming to my town, and I want to do something. I don't just want to watch them on the news, I want to be there. Mainly I just want to hold a sign that says "My God Loves! Ask me about Jesus” or something like that. I feel like I need to shed some light on those dark people so others can see what Christianity is truly about.
Does anyone else get the urge to do anything? Is it just me? Are we supposed to do something? Are we supposed to just watch and weep at this hate?
I was watching the story on their attempt to go to Brianna's funeral on the news last night. Its funny because I had the same reaction... I almost shed a tear out of pure grief. It pains me that they are trying to represent our God in such a hateful manner. I am also tired of the media giving them any air time. We all know who they are and what they do, I think ignoring their stunts may be a good start. I'm not one to picket, but I like your idea.
im with ya dave. im actually going tomorrow to help hold tarps to block their signs. i find it irronic that they are using their rights which our military fights for to protest military funerals. and with this brianna thing it really gets to me! i did not know her, i dont actually care to go to the memorial, but i will go to help support those who want to be there. im going to go as just a helper to those wanting to grieve or pay their respects to bri and her family. i dont want to have signs protesting them or even exchange words (unless the start it, then im game). I just find it sickening that one, they are using God's name in vain and preaching what they call "the gospel"...too bad their gospel isnt good news. renos doomed and there is nothing we can do about it....doesnt sound like good news to me. but secondly, to protest a funeral!! of not only military personel, but a girl who was kidnapped and then murdered, just really kills me! what if it was someone i knew! how much more pain would they bring to me!! i hope to help ease a little pain for the family, friends and others going to the memorial....anyone wanting to go can join me! :D
I think I have come to grips that the most effective way to deal with this group and people like them, is to ignore them completely. Each time they engage with words or looks or anything, they smile inside, because they think that they are being blessed because they are being "persecuted." But in actuality they are doing the persecuting...those judgers! :)
I was here.
i would either ignore them, though i do remember the video a while back of a "reporter" from some Austrailian show showing up to the protest and eventually hitting on the guy he was interviewing. it was comedy gold. if it wasn't firewalled here, i'd find the link on youtube.
I have seen that video too, I laughed a lot.
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