Friday, June 13, 2008

Our First Gig!

So this Tuesday, the 17th, we are playing music in front of people for the first time. We've got a song list of like 4 or 5 songs. It should be fun. I don't know if it is too late to buy tickets but they are like $10 or something, it's a birthday party for Renegade Radio. It's a big step for us. Four whole practices in...I'm pretty sure we can pull it off too.


scoeyd said...

Got a band name? Lost Ones? LoStones? :)

laura said...

awesome dude. you will rock, for sure.

David said...

Good to see things are progressing.

Murdoc said...

Bass hip thrusts at the oldest ladie in the room.

Señor H said...

Sco - I'm pretty sure it is now separate, as in Lost Ones.

Laura - Thanks, we will try our best.

David - We finally realized that if we were going to do anything, it would have to be by full emersion.

Murdoc - Holy Hip Thrusts or just regular ole hip thrusts?

David said...

What's AJ's email, address? I have some music to send him.

Post it to my blog when you get a chance.

TimmyMac said...

Good luck tomorrow! Let us know how it goes . . .

Señor H said...

Will do

digapigmy said...

heard it was interesting. reno has an awesome music scene. apparently i know the owner of los tres hombres, we should get you guys a farmers market gig.

Señor H said...

It was quite interesting. I will blog about it soon, but am working on a video file. Yes, we taped it. Good study material.