Monday, June 23, 2008

Raising of Hands

This is in regard to Tim's blog a while ago about lifting of hands. I thought of this right after I read the blog, but didn't comment in time to be applicable. I also didn't want to leave a long and drawn out comment and hijack your blog. :)

My thoughts: Having my first child recently, I really get to witness first hand, even though just a portion, God's love for me from a "Fathers" perspective. One of the things that I can't wait for is when our little Hailey starts to reach out for me when she wants me to hold her. She kind of leans right now, but the all out WANT with the outstretched arms to her daddy would really strike a cord on my heartstrings. That's why I raise my hands, because I'd rather be in God's arms than anywhere else. Not to be seen, or for routine, or out of American Christian top 10 signs of being a real Christian...sometimes I just want to be held.


TimmyMac said...

Dude, that was way good! And though it was deep, insightful and something I'll probably plagiarize someday, I'm still going to leave a smart-ass remark . . .

When I raise my hands in worship, my hope is that God will bend down, pick me up and rapture me the hell out of here . . . :-)

BTW you can highjack my blog anytime, cuz you're good peeps . . .

scoeyd said...

Hi Dave-
I will hold you. :)

The Author said...

We could have a dave sandwich...hopefully without garlic stuffed olives & peeps.

jami said...

hey now there's an idea! garlic stuffed peeps! sweet caroline!

No(dot dot)el said...

when we talk about what we do during worship it kinda makes me nervous. would if i am the one who does that motion that is now associated with a bad or attention getting movement, will i be forever deemed the weirdo to stay away from. some things are better left unsaid. private is what worship is supposed to be and yet the culture we live in puts the leaders on a stage and turns it into a show. i love to just stop singing and listen to others who are truly singing thier hearts out. that is one of my favorite ways to worship. i too don't even think twice about lifting my hands. i am sure if i saw video or thought someone was watching i would become self conscious which is exactly why i try not to think like that.

laura said...

nice one dave.
noel- you are weird... nothing will change that:) but I know what you are saying. I love to close my eyes and just listen to all of the voices singing out to God. It is one of the most beautiful things in the world to me.

No(dot dot)el said...

thanks laura i love you too.

Murdoc said...

Garlic stuffed peeps. That may be one of the most disturbing things I've heard. Peeps don't have hands to raise to God. They probably lift their beak.

scoeyd said...

I'm still holding you Dave...

Señor H said...

Thanks Lou. Is it an "American hold", or a real one.

The Author said...

I'm still thinking of garlic stuffed peeps.

Chemane said...

I used to think that was so I'm one of the weird ones. :)

I try not to think when I hold my hands up/out/whatever. It is in total response to what I feel going through me.

My hands get warm & tingle sometimes too, but I figured out it's from raising my hands...duh.

What a relief, it was really freaking me out!

scoeyd said...

Non-American, real world holdin'. In a completely hetero, you are my friend & I appreciate & love you kind of a way...

digapigmy said...

nice post. i would have to say that, like noel, i have found that all the thought about what we do while we worship is wreaking all kinds of havoc. about a year ago, i could honestly not tell you. now most of what i do during worship is try not to do anything too weird while i worship.