There must be something going around. I remember praying for Ben yesterday morning before worship because he wasn't feeling good. I remember telling God thinking that it would be better for me to be sick because I'm just playing the bass, Ben was leading worship. I'm pretty sure that's when it started :) I felt horrible the rest of the day.
I hate puking. Everybody says that they feel better after they puke and it's a relief. Not me. I hate it. My body loves to fight puking for as long as it can, until I feel like I'm going to pass out. That process lasted for about four hours last night. Most of those four hours were spent in the bathroom, moaning, followed by crying, seconds of sleep, wake up and moan, going diarrhea, then more moaning and crying. All with my wife right there helping me with everything. This was the sickest I have been since we have known each other, just about 6 years. And she's never witnessed the hell that is Dave puking. I had a long streak going and it all ended last night. Jami was awesome, she is such a nurturer. She was up the whole time bringing me everything I needed. At my worst, she is definitely at her best. She is a saint. Right now she is at the store getting the staples when one is sick such as chicken soup, saltines, and 7up.
So now I sit and think about the things that are pretty traditional for my sick days. Mainly I sit on the couch and watch the same things when I'm sick:
- The best movie to watch when your sick has to be The Princess Bride
- Daytime TV is pretty limited with basic cable so there are only two shows that I will watch and they are not Oprah and Rachel Ray. The only shows I like to watch when I'm sick are The Price is Right and the Cosby Show.
- There is one other thing I like to do and it's so I don't feel like I wasted to whole day, and that is to do a few loads of laundry.
Sorry to hear that Dave. I don't think God passed it on to you. Matty called me & he had it bad last night too. Louie has it today. I'm not sure how everyone is getting sick, but I know it's not from kissing. I think I thanked Jessica about 10 times yesterday as she took care of me & Ellie of course.
Sorry guys, that sucks.
I really hope that this doesn't go any further... our house went through this a month or two ago, and I really don't want to see it around here again.
And by the way, moms don't get to enjoy your above mentioned things to do when you are sick. Except the laundry, I do still get to do the laundry when I'm sick.
Props to Jami. You've got a good woman!
Man, we picked a good weekend to be gone . . .
I like to spend my puking days alone in bed . . . Sleeping is my favorite activity when I'm sick.
I'm fortunate like you in the wife department as Sue is sympathetic and fixes me chicken noodle soup (the only thing I'll eat when I'm nauseou)then leaves me the heck alone.
I hope you're feeling better.
oh, and yes, Jami totally rocks!
so you have something against rachael ray?
just kidding.
I slept for all but 2 hours yesterday, & am feeling much better today. Cool to hear that we got sick together. Separately.
My tradition? Reading History books - yesterday when I was partially vertical, it was "Benjamin Franklin". Which isn't as good as "John Adams" was.
And Stargate SG-1 DVD's. That's when owning the seasons of Stargate really pay off.
hey a hint from me, the german guy :-)
the next time you feel like puking, take your finger and stick it deeeeep in your throat - it takes a lot fo courage but after that you feel like you're in heaven! believe me :-)
Amen, Alex. Amen.
I agree. If you feel like puking but your body is fighting it, get it over with.
I make sure that I don't take part in any movies or TV shows I enjoy because then I'll just associate them with being sick.
That's why I just read a lot of Kafka and listen to The Carpenters.
That's weird, I usually listen to the Carpenters when I want to feel sick, not the other way around...weird.
Alex - I just can't do it. Call it pride, call it stupidity, I just can't make myself throw up.
Dude, now you can't even watch Price is Right anymore - it's just not the same w/o Barker. Drew Carrey is NOT a good replacement...I am sorry!
So, kinda glad I skipped out on church and missed this sicky bug - I definitely share your sentiments about puking Dave, puking IS HORRIBLE! IT doesnt make it better...it is just like the last drop of aweful - like you are sick, and then you are puke sick, and then you are dead. I wish I was dead when I puke...AAHHHHH!
In any case, I hope and pray you're feeling better soon buddy :)
I feel blessed that I have learned the fine art of the sticking of the finger down the throat . . . Very effective and provides quick relief . . . It's good for losing weight too . . . Of course, the ancient Romans drank warm wine in their vomitoriums so they might have a better idea . . .
I effectively used the finger in the throat. It was only short term relief though.
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